
The Ethics of Social News Gathering

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Digital Ethics Book Project Reflection Format

The Ethics of Social News Gathering

Benjamin van Loon

Tuesday, December 8th, 2015



Social "News"


First Impression:

I think it has something to do with news through social media.



"It makes for better news, reliable content, and—even though we hate to say it—a better bottom line"


Reflection Proper:

Before reading the article and after reading the title, I knew what the topic will be about. It was about the ethics in using content from users for news. Here in the Philippines, we have four major channels that provide news, ABS-CBN, GMA, TV5, and CNN Philippines. From these big four, I personally watch ABS-CBN, and this channel has what they call as Bayan Mo Patrol Mo where in citizens provide videos concerning their barangay then with the help of ABS-CBN, they can push the government into doing their job. An example would be a old housewife lives in a dense populated barangay where only one road is used for entrance and exit then a government agency will start making road "upgrades" then after two months, no progress has been made, then the citizen will make a video and send to ABS-CBN for "news". This I believe has to be one of the best ideas a news can do because with the number of journalist we have as well as the number of "news worthy" articles, the ratio is too small. We lack many journalist but we do have a lot of citizens who happen to have time as well as the will do make a report. For me, user-generated-content is a big deal, we must embrace this change and encourage more people into expressing themselves. Now the role of these news media outlet has to be proof checking the news, because there may be cases where in it is only fabricated.



5 Things That I've learned:

USG is user generated content.

News outlets get content from social media.

ONA is Online News Association.

Bell made a method into checking USGs.

Court of Public Opinion exists.


5 Integrative Questions:

What is social news gathering?

What is usg?

How can news outlets make sure USGs are real?

How can news outlets generate income from USGs?

How will social media make sure USGs are real?

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