Digital Ethics Book Project Reflection Format
When CEOS Tweet
Marc Davis
Monday, January 28th, 2013
First Impression:
I think it has something to do with tweeting and its ethics.
"When the CEO of a publicly traded company posts a message on Facebook, Twitter or any social media network, it could be an illegal act, or also incur a civil lawsuit."
Reflection Proper:
The article's title was ambiguous because it just said when CEOs tweet. Many CEOs use social media because they are normal human beings just like us, so what is the difference here? Just by reading the first sentence, I knew that it has a different context on tweet. When CEOs tweet, they tweet about information regarding their company and most companies have non disclosure contracts. By publishing information in a social media, one is violating that and he can be sued just like Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix.
So what's so wrong about publishing information to the public? By going ahead of the advertising team and announcing information that should not yet be published, he can drive the public image of the company up or down and this has a more impact in terms of stocks. Public stocks depend on public information do drive the market. But if the CEO announces or tweets or statuses, he can make the public stock soar up or soar down. There is a case where CEOs go to social media and gives information regarding the company and urges people to buy or to sell certain stocks because they know when and how the company will earn. So by manipulation public stocks, one can earn money he normally wouldn't because he can make a quick drop of information then get away with. Here in the Philippines, we have less tracking of these CEOs and their "inside information dropping" and I think there should be a regulation on that.
5 Things That I've learned:
Reed Hastings is CEO of Netflix Inc.
Security and Exchange Commission is (SEC).
FBI monitors Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
Insider trading exists.
Brian Dunn is CEO of Best Buy
5 Integrative Questions:
What is tweet?
What does the CEO have to do with tweeting?
How can companies regulate what the CEOs tweet?
How can the government prevent insider trading?
How can the stocks be manipulated by a CEO's tweet?
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