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Plagiarism Made Easy In The Digital World

Page history last edited by Julius Tan 8 years, 4 months ago

Digital Ethics Book Project Reflection Format

Plagiarism Made Easy In The Digital World

Marc Davis

Friday, December 14th, 2012





First Impression:

I think it has something to do with plagiarism.



"Zakaria characterized his plagiarism as a 'terrible mistakeā€¦a serious lapse and one that is entirely my fault.'"


Reflection Proper:

Plagiarism has been a problem for may people. Many like to quote but forget to reference the original writer while some just do not care. In the educational world, plagiarism is a big no no, actually in De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde, if one is caught plagiarizing, he will fail his subject then he will get a major offense as well. I heard once that in masters degree or graduate school, if one is caught plagiarizing, he will not be able to enroll again but I am not sure with this. It seems plagiarism is a big deal but in the online world, no one is there to check, there is no Discipline Officers or Office of the Student Behavior Officers to check up. The online world is an open world that does not care.


Plagiarizing is actually what the Philippines is known for. The MORE FUN is stolen from a 60 year old campaign from Switzerland but well they say no one has the right to own words. Plagiarism is still prominent in this country. A politician actually copied a whole speech from an American President and then claimed it as his own. The act shows how incompetent that person is and if he claims that it is his own, it shows he lacks respect towards people and is a cold blood thief.


5 Things That I've learned:

Plagiarism is theft.

A Time magazine journalist was charged plagiarism.

Time suspended that said journalist.

Plagiarism is fought with "fair use".

Plagiarism really is not a crime.


5 Integrative Questions:

What is plagiarism?

What is the digital world?

How can one live knowing he stole from someone?

How can plagiarism affect ones reputation?

How come schools are really strict in plagiarism but the outside world it is not?


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